~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our new lifestyle

The education nurse talked to me today about various things regarding what to watch for and what to do if Jimmy has symptoms and such. A fever is very dangerous for Jimmy to get, if he gets a fever of 100.6 or over, I am to call the hospital and let them know, and then get him there immediately, within an hour or less after the start of the fever, he will be given intravenous anti-biotics. A fever means a minimum of a 2 day stay in the hospital--we want to avoid that at all costs.

So, Jimmy cannot be exposed to anyone who has a cough, sniffles, rash, or diarrhea...let alone anything worse than that. So, if you plan on seeing us and have any of those things going on...DON'T! I will ask you, no matter how embarrassing it may be. If you even think you might have caught a stomach ache from your 3rd cousin in Arkansas that you haven't seen in 4 years, do not come around us. Seriously, if Jimmy gets a fever, I will find you. Just kidding. Sort of.

Jimmy cannot pet reptiles or anything in the rodent family. He can't share anything...food, drinks, chapstick, utensils, cups, nothing. He cannot eat or drink anything over 24hrs old, no leftovers, no opened water bottles. I had to throw out nearly everything in my refrigerator. No mouthwash with alcohol. He now has to be vigilant about sunscreen. As well as washing his hands, and anyone who comes over is going to have to swim in Purell. Well, at least use it. I have to get a flu shot in order to not expose him. I have to keep a mad amount of Lysol wipes at home to clean door handles, light switches, and any and all surface areas. After learning all of this, I was told to allow him to do all his normal things. Go to gatherings, movies, be around people! I'm sorry, what? Unless he is at a time when his white blood cell count is down, then we can only do things outdoors where it's open air, but not expose him to large groups of people and such.

So, basically, we are going to be living in a bubble for the next 4 months...but after that, Jimmy is going to be healthy.

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