~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday, November 11th~Update

The bone marrow results were NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, that means he has Classic Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 2A. Thank God for answered prayers!
Now the testing is done, we know exactly what we are dealing with and can start the process of getting this evil disease out of my son and getting him healed so that he can go on to have an amazing life. We know it's still going to be a long, hard road ahead, but at least we can be thankful that he isn't stage 4, which scared me beyond anything I would express.

Jimmy is still in some pain from his port, but the nurse said it's normal and it will probably continue to hurt into next week when he starts chemo.
He started to get angry today, and frustrated with the fact that he has this "thing" in his chest that sticks out and bothers him. He had trouble sleeping last night, partially due to pain and partially due to the fact that he couldn't lay on his stomach. At least now he has prescription pain medication that seems to be helping.

Thank you God for answering our prayers and allowing the results to be negative today, now we need to continue praying and watching you work miracles to heal my son.

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