~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Real Men Wear Hats

Irony can be a sadistic thing. During the two weeks of chemo treatments, Jimmy has done remarkably well. He has impressed everyone, including seasoned nurses, with how well he has physically tolerated chemotherapy and with his irrefutable attitude that this will not beat him; all with his innate ability to throw out a one-liner as needed.
As we have gone through all the motions of what a family does when your child has cancer, I think I have been lulled into a false sense of deliverance from the chemo symptoms that are the most terrifying to me. Those symptoms being pain, constant vomiting, and hair loss. The latter not so much terrifying, as much as the visible sign to the world at large that Jimmy has cancer. Maybe I have just contrived this scenario that since he hasn't had any of these symptoms while in this first cycle of chemo, then he is probably not going to be subjected to them at all.
This week is his week off of chemo and as I said, irony can be a sadistic thing. This is the week he has had the most symptoms, and he is now taking his nausea medicine more often and the pain pill at regular intervals. Today was also the beginning of his hair loss. While it was only a little bit, it stopped my naivete in it's tracks. The instant he came in to tell me, my heart broke for him. I know that it's very likely going to progress this week. So, I did what any good mother would do, I got in my car and drove to Kohl's and bought him the hat he wanted to make him happy. I loved his smile when he put it on and my grandma said "Are you really going to wear that in public?" His response...laughter and a big YES!! How great is this kid?!!
While I hoped and prayed for asylum from the worst symptoms, I know this will be another thing that he will get through with flying colors. (and a few cool hats)

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