~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7th~Update

Home from our appt at Children's where we saw Jimmy's oncologist, it was information overload. We received the results from Jimmy's PET scan, had a mini-briefing on Hodgkins and information on what the next steps would be with his surgery and chemo.

The PET scan showed that along with the mass on his lung, there are numerous cancerous nodes in his chest. The most concerning aspect is that the report stated a mild suspicion of something in the bone marrow, which would be very bad. They will do a bone marrow test during his surgery which will tell us definitively whether or not it's in the bone marrow. Please be in prayer for negative results.

Jimmy will have 4 courses of chemo~3 days a week the first week, then 1 day the second week and then off for 3 weeks, and then it starts all over again over the course of 3-4mths.
Tomorrow, we go to Children's all day to have 5 scans and tests done~a CT scan on his belly to make sure there is nothing there, and testing on his heart, liver, kidneys and breathing function to make sure he is viable for chemo.

On top of everything, we found out today that there is a chance the chemotherapy could cause him to not be able to have children in the future.

As of right now, his doctor is saying he has Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 2A (A=little to no symptoms).
If they find cancerous nodes in his abdomen, he will progress to Stage 3, if they find that his bone marrow test is positive he will be Stage 4. PLEASE pray that these are both negative.

Jimmy will have his surgery to have his port put in at Children's on Thursday at 10:30am. On Friday, we will get the results from all the testing and learn what will happen with chemo. On Wednesday the 16th, Jimmy will have his first chemo appt.

All of this still seems like a horrible nightmare, I just don't understand why this is happening to my son.

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