~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Thursday, November 24, 2011

End Of The First Cycle

Jimmy had his 4th chemo treatment yesterday and that was the last treatment in the first cycle. He hasn't had any symptoms so far, except burning in his throat, jaw pain, and yesterday he started having body aches and pains. He takes Tylenol w Codeine for that and it seems to help him greatly. He is eating and drinking normally, which is good because he can't lose any weight due to how thin he is already. So, he is off chemo all next week and doesn't return until the 7th, which will be another 10hr day.

I was able to talk to my cousin today, her husband was diagnosed with cancer the same time as Jimmy, which is still unbelievable to me, so it was good to talk to someone who not only knows and loves Jimmy, but is going through a lot of the same things. She gets it. There are a lot of very supportive people in our lives, but there are a few people who for whatever reason, say the dumbest things to us. For the most part, we don't fault them, sometimes people just don't know what to say, but there have been times when I think to myself, "Really? Did she just say that to me?" I know that God is already in all the tomorrows, He already knows how things are going to work out and He has a plan for Jimmy and my cousin's husband. But even knowing that, being told that we are "lucky" for this or that, doesn't help, being told to be grateful that he has cancer, doesn't help, being told to live life like it's our last day, def DOESN"T help---my son still has cancer! My child that I have raised by myself, the little boy who has filled my heart with so much love and my life with so much laughter, has cancer. I am not happy about that in any way, I am not going to pretend to be ok about it, and if I want to have a bad day, I will.

Now that I have had my little rant, I will say that through this I have grown closer to God and even closer to my son. There are small blessings in the midst of this nightmare. God has shown us His perfect love through the service and generosity of the friends and strangers around us. He has shown me that I am a strong woman, I have a fierce love for my son, and I do rely on God. I believe he is showing my son what a christian family means.

Today is Thanksgiving and I hope everyone has a wonderful day and thanks God for all the blessings in their lives. I thank all of you who have prayed and continue to pray for Jimmy's health. We are thankful for you.

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