~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day two of chemo

Today was a lot easier day at the hospital than yesterday, we were only there 3 hours. It seemed like we had just gotten there, when they unhooked Jimmy's port from Bob. Today Jimmy was able to take his Xbox and play it while he got chemo, so that was a great distraction for him. He only received three chemo drugs today, and they gave him different medicine for anti-nausea. So, we are hoping he will do even better than he did yesterday.

Today Ronald McDonald and the huge mascot from the Dragons were visiting the chemo wing and they came in to see Jimmy, that was pretty funny. He just smiled and said hi, and then looked at me and said "ok, now what do I say?" They gave him a Dragon's hat which he did seem to like, he's just a little too old to appreciate men in giant character costumes. (and I don't care who he is, a clown is a clown, and Ronald McDonald is creepy!)

The nurses told him that he will be contacted by Make a Wish Foundation and he needs to start thinking about what he would like. He is able to chose a vacation, someone to meet...anything he can think of. You should hear what two of his ideas are...


  1. Tina, you don't know me. I am a friend of Jenni Koval and she shared your need for prayer with our church family. I just want you to know I am sitting here in tears, just praising God that Jimmy's bone marrow is clear and he is such an amazing kid. I am and will be praying for you on this journey that God will hold you very close and be very real to you. I personally know two people who have had hodgens and kicked it. The treatment may be brutal, but on the other side, they have lived full and vibrant lives. For many years! Both were adults, done having children, so I have no idea about that, but as you said, that is up to God.

    Jenni shared your blog with me tonight, and I just wanted to give you a hug across the internet. Germ-free, of course!
    Lisa Lavy

  2. Jimmy,
    4th period Government wants to know what your ideas are???
    We miss you!
    PS: Caleb said we all love pie.

  3. Thank you Lisa, I really appreciate the prayers and the virtual hug! Actually, I think we have met once at Zumba a few months ago. It's comforting to know so many people are praying for Jimmy.

  4. Jimmy is dreaming of a Game Stop shopping spree as one of his options, as well as meeting Eminem. I would prefer he chose something he will remember forever and not something he will regret later. He hasn't made any permenant decisions yet, he is still thinking of ideas. But, it's his wish, so whatever he decides to chose, I will support.
