~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day three of chemo

Jimmy's chemo was only supposed to last 2 hours today, but we were there 4 hours because he was feeling sick, so they slowed down his drip. Once he started to feel nauseous, they gave him the same anti-nausea med from the first day and it knocked him out--sitting up, in mid-sentence. At one point they were trying to remove the needle, for the weekend, that inserts into his port , and as he was taking the bandage off , (which is pretty painful), and he literally fell asleep.

This med that they give him for nausea not only makes him sleepy, he gets dizzy and wobbly on his feet, so he has to be taken downstairs to leave in a wheelchair, otherwise he would be walking into walls or just falling over in general. It's obviously amazing medicine to be able to combat throwing up after they fill his body with poisons.

I did have a bit of a mama bear moment today. The dietitian, whom we have yet to speak to, came in to the room today to go over her packet of paperwork regarding food Jimmy should eat, what to give and not give when he has certain symptoms, etc...everything I had already researched, as he was feeling sick and dealing with the after affects of the anti-nausea med. She had the worst timing and continued trying to read over this packet out loud to me (which I hate, I can read myself thank you) and kept trying to read and interact with Jimmy. God bless his heart, he was nodding off and trying desperately not to fall asleep and answer her and she was oblivious and just kept right on talking. So, I just stopped her and told Jimmy he could go ahead and sleep and not answer anymore questions and asked her to please just let him sleep. DUH

So, Jimmy fell asleep after we returned home about 5:30 and with the exception of about an hour, has been sleeping all night with Charlie, his faithful companion.

1 comment:

  1. Duh indeed! Looks like if that is her job, she should be able to tell when it is a bad time.
