~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Monday, January 2, 2012


I've always been aware that 2012 would be the year my son turns 18 and graduates high school. However, I was definitely not aware that we would be spending time in a chemo wing in that same year. I wasn't aware that we wouldn't be able to have his senior pictures taken yet because he doesn't have any hair. I wasn't aware that every time we think back on this time of his life, cancer will always be in that memory. To be perfectly honest, I'm mad as hell about it. However, I am not going to allow this to affect everything we do, I won't allow it to rob us of enjoying our life together, and I won't allow it to change who we are...this is only going to make us stronger as individuals and as a family. So bring it 2012!!

1 comment:

  1. I say a prayer for you each time I drive thru Tipp City! You are so inspiring....You will get through this together!
