~Let them see the cracks in your armor, that's how the light gets out~

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jimmy's Checkup Update

I'm a little a slow at updating the blog regarding the news from Jimmy's checkup since I have already updated Facebook and have been a little preoccupied with the benefit game.

Jimmy had an end of cycle checkup last Wednesday and we received all good news!
Jimmy doesn't need to be "semi-isolated" any longer due to the Pantamedine shot he receieved the week before, it brought his blood counts way up. His White blood count is still pretty low, but not in the danger zone.
The suspicious lymph node that they found on his latest PET scan turned out to be nothing, it was just a muscle showing up as highlighted--so that was a GI-NORMOUS relief!

Lastly, although Dr Dole is going to lower his dose of Vancristin, he doesn't need to lengthen his chemo cycles because it's being reduced such a small amount. So...that means that his 4th cycle that starts Wednesday is his last cycle of chemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Whoot whoot for no more isolation, good PET scans and the end of chemo! Now just to get that pesky radiation over with! God is good!
